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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Spring is coming.....honest!

There's no denying it.....spring is on it's way! Only 38 more days and it will be official! On warm, sunny days, Pumpkin and I enjoy the sun on our back, the wind in our hair and fresh dirt in our mouths.....Ooh! She wasn't supposed to do that!

This is a nightly scene - Grandpa, Karli and Ladybug sharing pork skins before bedtime...whatever.
There is a love-hate thing going on between these two. Looks like a truce has been signed.
She's 9 months old today!! Yep, that's reason to celebrate!!


Ranch wife said...

Do you promise spring is coming. I mean really promise? I am about tired of winter. Can't wait till everything greens up!

Cute pictures!


Countrygirl said...

I'm not so sure about spring here. We got 1 foot of snow yesterday, an inch last night, supposed to hit all week and into the weekend.
My goodness is that little one growing! Very cute.

Anonymous said...

I would have to agree, as hot as it's been! Oh, and we can't forgot the lovely spring winds! :)

Paula said...

Can that little bug get any cuter!!! Longing for Spring, Singing for Spring, Begging for Spring, Praying for Spring!

Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

I wish spring were closer...we're having ridiculous temps around 60-70 and probably going to be back in the 20-30 range for March...YUK!
That sweet baby is growing so fast and so adorable!!!!