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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Life in the day of a slacker.....I mean Slack!

One day this week, while I was in the middle of yet another Carpenter crisis, I happened to notice our little wienie dog Slack, soaking up the sunshine and loving life in general. He always has a wag in his tail and a sparkle in his eye. So I decided to follow the little fellow around for a day and see what the source of his sweet disposition might be. Morning found him waking from dreams about chasing wild barn cats and such.......good morning Slack.First priority was of course his Bible Study. Looks like he's learning about the first Christmas.
Every dog knows a hearty breakfast grows hearty dogs. What are we having?? Animal crackers of course. Couldn't show you his source of protein....we banded bulls a month ago....hmmmmmm After an exhausting hour of Bible strudy and breakfast, we had to have our first nap.

All righty, after a blissful nap, Slack decided to check his my space. He had to see if Ginger was still single or if maybe her and Rambo had a thing goin on......whatever.
Next on the agenda, is feeding cows. Afterall, it's almost noon.....and he invited all his friends to come along....even the one famous for pulling his tail. Grandpa does have his hands full.
After working for all of ....oh say 10 minutes or so barking at all the mamma's time for our next nap, yes indeedy!!
Moving right wrap up our day of stuff wienie dogs do, Slack decides on a relaxing bubble know..... to ease all his tensions away.
Last but certainly not least, he has some "me time" before heading off to his sleep number bed...which by the way his number is 45. We have come full circle and it's time to say our prayers and try and catch the sandman. Goodnight Slack.
After all this, I'm not so sure it's just easier to just be grouchy...... Till next time. adios.


Paula said...

Maybe your Slack can teach my Rowdy a thing or two!

What a cute post!

Anonymous said...

Haha! What a cute post!

Ranch wife said...

Made my day! I needed the laugh this morning. Maybe you could make this a series.....Life according to a Slacker!

Ginger is indeed still single, she hates Rambo....but she is older then he is.......does he care?


Ranch Wife said...

Awe! I wanna be a wienie dog!

Countrygirl said...

Too cute! Thanks slack for showing us that every dog has his day!

Odd Chick said...

I think my favorite is Ross trying to drive with his arms full of love and cuddly!

Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

That is one adorable post. Love the pics but my favorite is Grandpa, sweet baby girl and the dogs...too darn cute!!!