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Saturday, February 14, 2009

God's Valentine Gift

God’s Valentine Gift
God’s Valentine gift of love to us, was not a bunch of flowers; It wasn’t candy, or a book to while away the hours.
His gift was to become a man, so He could freely give, His sacrificial love for us, so you and I could live.
He gave us sweet salvation, and instruction, good and true--To love our friends and enemies and love our Savior, too.
So as we give our Valentines, let’s thank our Lord and King; The reason we have love to give is that He gave everything.
By Joanna Fuchs

Hope your day is special!! Till next time, adios!


Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

That is great! Thanks so much for sharing. Hope all is well in Cottonpicker Land!!!

Paula said...

Amen - Thanks!

Aspen Photography said...

Wonderful thank you! Just found your blog wonderful!! Megan