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Sunday, December 28, 2008

There is ALWAYS a Payday !!

Well that did it! I know perfectly well how many hundreds of thousands of calories I've
consumed in the past two months but that didn't keep some cyber chick from letting me know in no uncertain terms that I am overweight and have no balance. Where are these feelings of animosity coming from?? Well, I set up my Wii Fit, followed the directions to a tee, stepped on that little balancing jasper and knew I was in trouble when it sighed....yes it did - I heard it. Then it started processing my BMI which stands for body mass index which apparently I have too much of. I knew I shouldn't have eaten that last tamale....and all it's friends .....and the last loaf of pumpkin bread, spiced pecans, chocolate candy, chili con queso.... need I go on?? Have I confessed enough??? Okay then, there was the guacamole dip.... with chips, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, ham, homemade rolls, and other goodies too numerous to mention. It is the holidays for crying out loud.....and I am. Not to worry, I have started a diet and plan on being ten pounds lighter by my 46th birthday which is January 27th.

This is my partner in crime. Don't let her size fool you. You can tell she was caught red handed!

After we got this horendous mess under control, she wanted to help her Mamaw try out the new wheelborrow.

Once again, she is more concerned with being fashionable than helpful. Oh well, since I am the one who is fat and unbalanced, it didn't hurt me to haul her around awhile.

After a long day of doing pretty much whatever she wanted, a bath is a must!! We just almost threw the baby out with the bath water. Lucky for her she's so cute.....

Well it's bedtime.....yeah she looks like she's ready to go to bed!! Mamaw is.....cause she's fat and unbalanced. I'll get over it...I'm not going to let some cyber chick ruin my day. I'll show her....just wait. Till next time, adios.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Whew.....Me Too!!

As I sit here choking down the last of the tamales, I can't help being thankful the holidays are almost over. It's always kind of a letdown after the presents are all opened, the anticipation of Santa Clause is a memory, and the tree taken down, that all the months of preparation, baking, shopping and such is......just over. And for me, it's hard to combine the hoopla of Santa Clause and decorating with the holiness of our Savior's birth. I just don't know how to do it all and feel good about it afterwards. I always vow that the next year will be different but it never is. I wish I could separate the two and celebrate them separately somehow. Anyhoo, it's a done deal and now I'm fixing to figure out how this Wii Fit game I got for Christmas is going to work out. Of course, I do believe I'm the one who is supposed to do the working out....maybe tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

2009 Yeehaw Sisterhood Membership Drive

The first annual Yeehaw Sisterhood membership drive is well under way. This club began a year or so back, when three unlikely women, found friendship, based on a common lifestyle and a love for country living. Through mishaps with parents, children and in laws, these women were forever intertwined, resulting in several unforgettable road trip adventures that will bind them till the cows come home. Should you be interested in joining this most prestigious club of sisters, the following requirements must be met for consideration. Young whippersnappers who don't know "come here from sic'em" need not apply.

1. All applicants must be at least 40 years old.

2. At least two body parts must be saggin, baggin and/or exceptions.

3. All applicants must have bore two or more children....Stretchmarks are worn as a badge of honor .

4. Applicants will be highly considered if she was raised around , has married into or is married to a bovine or parts thereof.

5. Gray hair or hair growing in strange places is totally acceptable and encouraged.

6. Crow's feet and laugh lines are considered respectable.

7. Applicants must be able to help her man process cattle, make a mean biscuit and grow at least five varieties of vegetables.

8. All applicants must be menopausal or at least in the throws of menopause and must misbehave at least two days a week. Remember, well behaved women rarely make history.

9. Applicants must have a fetish for chocolate, and have at least two months supply on hand for any unforeseen crisis or the crisis of a fellow sister .

10 . Last but not least, all applicants must be able to drop whatever she's doing to emotionally uplift other members of the sisterhood in a minutes notice. This includes prayer in a cornfield, coffee over the phone or drinking eggnog in the parking lot of the local farm store.

To submit your request for enrollment, simply include your credentials in the comment section and your membership will be given due consideration. Initiation will take place after the holidays and will include a potluck dinner. Till next time, adios!

Felix Navidad Ya'll !

Hope this finds all of you embracing the season with a tamale in one hand and a hunk of fudge in the other!

This is my "charlie brown" poinsettia. In true form, there is indeed a story behind this poor flower. Call it a pride thing, but I decided last year I was going to keep it alive till this year if it hair-lipped the governor. Well, it is alive....not pretty, but alive. Last spring, I planted it on the north side of the house where it THRIVED! I was so proud of how big it had gotten over the summer and how many people would marvel at my ability to grow poinsettias in none other but.... New Mexico....yada yada. Yeah, well this is what happens when you transplant a tropical plant on a hot day and shock it's very being. It dried up, coughed, sputtered and like a true farmer, I just kept watering it. Well, all the leaves fell off but two and then a miraculous thing started coming alive again - musta been all the water. It still hasn't turned all red yet but I think it has a certain charm.

This is the rose poinsettia I finally found and yesiree bob I'm going to plant it and see if maybe I can almost kill this one too.

This is "Miss Hollywood" doing her thing on the rocking horse that Santa hasn't brought yet.

After a hard day of riding herd on Mamaw and terrorizing the wienie dog, she retreats to her ducky hot tub for a time of relaxation - reflecting on the day behind her and dreaming of the mischief of tomorrow.

Till next time, adios.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


An amazing, wonderful thing happens when the Christmas tree goes up....especially when three of our newest family members have never seen one. `The twinkling lights and shiny ornaments are just too tempting not to touch and pretty wrapping paper proves too irresistable for a certain weinie dog.All in all it hasn't been so bad. Dogs and kids are trainable. Torn paper and broken ornaments are just par for the course - Karli has however pulled a tag or two off a gift or three and if Jake happens to open a gift that includes body butter and bikini wax, he will know he is not the recipient. Till next time, adios.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Where did the week go??

All things good or bad must end....including my hot date. Guess I'll roll myself out of this hottub and prepare for the season at hand. Thanksgiving went way fast. All too quickly, kids are back in school and life is as it was. We did get some alleys built over the holiday with the help of sons and nephews. We got us a new lead up chute last summer and couldn't use it till we built some alleys and connected our hydraulic chute to this menagerie.
The weather was good, the backs of young college kids strong , and if I do say so myself, the food was good there was no excuses for bad behavior or an attitude gone awry.
Finally, the very day Jake had to go back to school we got to run a few calves through for her maiden voyage as it were. Even the weinie dog had a job!
Hope your Thanksgiving was just that - a day for thanking the Good Lord for good food and family. We had 81 show up for our little feast. Had a good feed and good visit - can't ask for anything else! Till next time -adios.