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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Where did the week go??

All things good or bad must end....including my hot date. Guess I'll roll myself out of this hottub and prepare for the season at hand. Thanksgiving went way fast. All too quickly, kids are back in school and life is as it was. We did get some alleys built over the holiday with the help of sons and nephews. We got us a new lead up chute last summer and couldn't use it till we built some alleys and connected our hydraulic chute to this menagerie.
The weather was good, the backs of young college kids strong , and if I do say so myself, the food was good there was no excuses for bad behavior or an attitude gone awry.
Finally, the very day Jake had to go back to school we got to run a few calves through for her maiden voyage as it were. Even the weinie dog had a job!
Hope your Thanksgiving was just that - a day for thanking the Good Lord for good food and family. We had 81 show up for our little feast. Had a good feed and good visit - can't ask for anything else! Till next time -adios.


Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

80 something is all you had to eat?!?!?! Oh my gosh--please tell me you were NOT the Lone Cook for that!?
Your alleys look great...oh how much that helps the workin process!

Hope you aren't too "pruny" from your bathtub date! ha ha

Paula said...

Thank the Good Lord, we'd thought you'd drowned! I thought my ten people was a crew to cook for! So glad you've been enjoying the nice weather and putting the muscle to good work! Looks good!! Check out my new weinie dog on my blog!!