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Monday, December 27, 2010

Somewhere Between Fertile Myrtle and a Packer Cow.....

Let us get something straight from the get go..... hormones are hateful little creatures, that if not kept in absolute perfect balance, will turn a normally sweet natured, right peaceful lovin woman, like myself, into a hideous beast. I used to think that Mother Nature was this kind, gentle, grandmotherly figure that held your hand through all of lifes "changes" from puberty to menopause......not so ......Did you know there are 35 symptoms of pre-menopause....I didn't either till I googled it. I've got 27 of them....and that doesn't even include gray hair, and wrinkles....oh no...that's an extra bonus! And to top it all off, the people that should be the most your family, for example, are the ones poking fun and telling you that you should have a little more self control....really? They have no idea how close they just come to meeting Peter face to face at the Pearly Gates for ignorant, insensitive, uncaring, words. And that's all I'm gonna say bout that......


Ranch wife said...

Oh My the title says it all.



Pat - Arkansas said...

Been there, done that, Cottonpicker. Didn't kill anyone, but that's another miracle in itself.

Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

Oh Boy....can't wait for that fun to begin.

I'm still cracking up over the title! YOU are hilarious!

Happy New Year

Dirt Road Quilter said...

Oh girl! So do you want me to come get you and put you out to pasture before the family sends you to the sale barn? It's not contagious. is it?

Pat - Arkansas said...

Thanks for the visit. I need to count my blessings. It's 23 degrees here, sunshine, and there's nothing under my feet but cats. We had a few flakes of snow this morning,but just that... a few flakes.

Stay warm!