A strange phenomenon has occurred the past week or so in our household. Grandpa seems to be the only one Punkin wants putting her to sleep. This nightly ritual begins with total denial that it is indeed time to go to bed. It starts with giggles and hugs....maybe a kiss or two..then a yawn.
Milk always makes the world seem right, That's true for kids and calves. This is step two in our evolution of "nite nite". She thinks if she takes her bottle sitting up. she's safe from the pursuing sandman.
I must say, a bit of whining and fussing and arguing the fact comes before this stage. This is the part where she thinks she has fooled Grandpa into believing she is almost asleep. However, a picture does say a thousand words.
But in the end, sleep prevails and peace is once again restored... for a few hours. Till next time,
yawn.... adios
That's too cute. Tell R. that that shade of hot pink brings out the red in his hair! Bet he will appreciate that!
The whole world needs that kind of Grampa! How sweet!
Fighting sleep because life's too good to waste! Everything in their world is just fine and fun! Hey, come by, I found a cute little jumper for her. it's so fun to shop for girls!
She's just so dog-gone cute!
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