Picture this..... a 46 year old woman running through the pasture.... five miles from home...chasing a dumb little wiener dog.... yelling "don't make me chase you!!!!" Gasp.. wheeze... choke... get your butt back to the pickup!! I mean it.....gasp.....I'm not going to chase you!!! Are wiener dogs deaf? Do they not understand they would only be a small snack for a hungry coyote?? And just why do we care so much? I kinda doubt he would do anything remotely close to that for me...although he growled when the cows came up to the pickup....but was he REALLLY trying to protect me or just showing off within the safe confines of a big four wheel drive pickup? Face it..dogs are just dogs. I don't care if you pay a small fortune for one or pick one up off the highway...they are just dogs and it is our responsibility to love them, feed them, bath them and clean up after them....you know...kinda like a husband......well not really. Leaving you with an old photo of my dumb wiener dog just to remind myself why I love the little scamp..till next time, adios.
This would be Slack after he did his wiener dog duty chasing a skunk.....
Ha ha ha! Great post! I needed a good laugh - and mainly because we have been doing the chasing thing with our senior citizen basset hound who is in heat! You are right - we do love them. Proverbs 12 tells us why!
Oh my! Sometimes I wonder why we even have the critters. I get so sick of John's dog running in the house every time the door opens, or out the gate. I had to climb over the fence the other day because I couldn't get the stupid mutt to stay!
I have also contemplated this question...especially as I am cleaning up the yard shoveling you know what into the wheel barrow, especially as I don't even want to think about my dog food bill. Especially as I look out my door in the morning and see 6 eyes looking back at me seemly to say.." I want in, I want in, I want in.....
I think you should write kids books...A Day in the Life of Slack, the Weiner Dog....
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