Sunday, December 28, 2008
There is ALWAYS a Payday !!
consumed in the past two months but that didn't keep some cyber chick from letting me know in no uncertain terms that I am overweight and have no balance. Where are these feelings of animosity coming from?? Well, I set up my Wii Fit, followed the directions to a tee, stepped on that little balancing jasper and knew I was in trouble when it sighed....yes it did - I heard it. Then it started processing my BMI which stands for body mass index which apparently I have too much of. I knew I shouldn't have eaten that last tamale....and all it's friends .....and the last loaf of pumpkin bread, spiced pecans, chocolate candy, chili con queso.... need I go on?? Have I confessed enough??? Okay then, there was the guacamole dip.... with chips, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, ham, homemade rolls, and other goodies too numerous to mention. It is the holidays for crying out loud.....and I am. Not to worry, I have started a diet and plan on being ten pounds lighter by my 46th birthday which is January 27th.
This is my partner in crime. Don't let her size fool you. You can tell she was caught red handed!
After we got this horendous mess under control, she wanted to help her Mamaw try out the new wheelborrow.
Once again, she is more concerned with being fashionable than helpful. Oh well, since I am the one who is fat and unbalanced, it didn't hurt me to haul her around awhile.
After a long day of doing pretty much whatever she wanted, a bath is a must!! We just almost threw the baby out with the bath water. Lucky for her she's so cute.....
Well it's bedtime.....yeah she looks like she's ready to go to bed!! Mamaw is.....cause she's fat and unbalanced. I'll get over it...I'm not going to let some cyber chick ruin my day. I'll show her....just wait. Till next time, adios.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Whew.....Me Too!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
2009 Yeehaw Sisterhood Membership Drive
1. All applicants must be at least 40 years old.
2. At least two body parts must be saggin, baggin and/or exceptions.
3. All applicants must have bore two or more children....Stretchmarks are worn as a badge of honor .
4. Applicants will be highly considered if she was raised around , has married into or is married to a bovine or parts thereof.
5. Gray hair or hair growing in strange places is totally acceptable and encouraged.
6. Crow's feet and laugh lines are considered respectable.
7. Applicants must be able to help her man process cattle, make a mean biscuit and grow at least five varieties of vegetables.
8. All applicants must be menopausal or at least in the throws of menopause and must misbehave at least two days a week. Remember, well behaved women rarely make history.
9. Applicants must have a fetish for chocolate, and have at least two months supply on hand for any unforeseen crisis or the crisis of a fellow sister .
10 . Last but not least, all applicants must be able to drop whatever she's doing to emotionally uplift other members of the sisterhood in a minutes notice. This includes prayer in a cornfield, coffee over the phone or drinking eggnog in the parking lot of the local farm store.To submit your request for enrollment, simply include your credentials in the comment section and your membership will be given due consideration. Initiation will take place after the holidays and will include a potluck dinner. Till next time, adios!
Felix Navidad Ya'll !
This is my "charlie brown" poinsettia. In true form, there is indeed a story behind this poor flower. Call it a pride thing, but I decided last year I was going to keep it alive till this year if it hair-lipped the governor. Well, it is alive....not pretty, but alive. Last spring, I planted it on the north side of the house where it THRIVED! I was so proud of how big it had gotten over the summer and how many people would marvel at my ability to grow poinsettias in none other but.... New Mexico....yada yada. Yeah, well this is what happens when you transplant a tropical plant on a hot day and shock it's very being. It dried up, coughed, sputtered and like a true farmer, I just kept watering it. Well, all the leaves fell off but two and then a miraculous thing started coming alive again - musta been all the water. It still hasn't turned all red yet but I think it has a certain charm.
This is the rose poinsettia I finally found and yesiree bob I'm going to plant it and see if maybe I can almost kill this one too.
This is "Miss Hollywood" doing her thing on the rocking horse that Santa hasn't brought yet.
After a hard day of riding herd on Mamaw and terrorizing the wienie dog, she retreats to her ducky hot tub for a time of relaxation - reflecting on the day behind her and dreaming of the mischief of tomorrow.
Till next time, adios.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Where did the week go??
Hope your Thanksgiving was just that - a day for thanking the Good Lord for good food and family. We had 81 show up for our little feast. Had a good feed and good visit - can't ask for anything else! Till next time -adios.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Well girls, I got me a HOT date tonight!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
There's a jaguar on the loose!
`Today, I'm cleaning up my flower beds for next year. Karli and Grandpa brought me a bucket load of cow manure and I'm "enriching" the soil - we have mostly gyp dirt out here so all my dirt is imported from my brother's farm in Dexter. It's hard to have farmer blood living on a ranch sometimes but it's all good in the end - you have the best of both worlds. Ya'll be good - till next time, adios.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
In honor of Broken Y turning 40!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
What a weekend!!
Saturday, Jake came home from college to help his dad wire and floor the trailer they just built. I just love when kids come home.......then leave. Just kidding Ranchwife....she is still in sackcloth and ashes after the second of her little fledglings flew the coop.
Sunday, we had coffee with the great-great grandmother, Jake sailed back to school with his new trailer in tow and Ross and I went to the Sarah Palin rally. We had to park almost a mile away from the Southwest Aviation hanger and then we waited in line forever that they just led us around the hanger and we never had to go through security. I was told 10,000 people were expected at this wing-ding and standing three hours in the blazing New Mexico sun was a testament to our commitment to whatever we're commited to. After a short tadoo by Hank William's Jr.....(I think he sings better when he's had some liquid inspiration) Sarah arrived in all her glory....almost an hour fashionably late but well worth it. You go girl!!!! After we panted the last mile back to the jeep, Ross and I went out for ice cream. All in all, it was a pretty cool weekend. Till next time, adios.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Roosters from Hell....Part 3
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Could NOT help myself!!
* Dig a moat the length of the Mexican border. * Send the dirt to New Orleans to raise the level of the levees. * Put the Florida alligators in the moat along the Mexican border.
Any other problems you would like for me to solve today? Yes!
Think about this:
1. Cows
2. The Constitution
3. The Ten Commandments
COWS -Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that during the mad cow epidemic our government could track a single cow, born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she slept in the state of Washington? And, they tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wanderingaround our country. Maybe we should give each of them a cow.
THE CONSTITUTION -They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq ... why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it has worked for over 200 years, and we're not using it anymore.
THE 10 COMMANDMENTS -The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments posted in a courthouse is this -- you cannot post 'Thou Shalt Not Steal' 'Thou Shalt Not CommitAdultery' and 'Thou Shall Not Lie' in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians ... it creates a hostile work environment.Also, think about this ... if you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone -- YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! It is time for America to speak up! Yep, I passed it on!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Pumpkin Bread Comes From Banana Squash??
I'm going to share my pumpkin bread recipe - you can use canned pumpkin.
3 cups flour - 3 cups pumpkin
2 cups sugar - 4 eggs, well beaten
1 tsp. salt - 1 1/2 cup oil
1 tsp. soda - 1/2 chopped nuts
1/4 tsp. cloves
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
2 tsp. cinnamon
Mix dry ingredients well, add nuts. In another bowl, mix pumpkin, eggs and oil well. Add dry ingredients; do not overmix. Pour into ungreased loaf pans. Bake at 350 for approx. 1 hour. ( I bake mine in small pans and bake about 30 minutes.)
This is kind of the kick off of Fall. My kids know when the pumpkin bread starts coming off, cooler temperatures are on their way and Jack Frost is circling! Till next time, adios!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Favorite Place Revisited
Friday, September 19, 2008
Christian one-liners
Friday, September 5, 2008
Confession is good for the soul!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
"On the seventh day He rested"
Went to town yesterday, and should have had the flashers going, warning everyone there was a mamaw on the loose, and she might be armed and dangerous. I had several things I needed to do, had already put in a full day and was about as friendly as a horny toad. Well, I backed out and ran over the cat....yessserrrii bob....this is going to be a fun day!! Got to to the grocery debit card and only enough cash to pick up the green chili I was after in the first place. Called Katie and she was headed to town - said she would meet me at the farm store with my card. Meanwhile, I headed out to Hobson's Gardens to get my yearly supply of roasted chili, and was two bucks short...good thing we haul all their hay - Got home one piece, got a few groceries, twenty gallons of water, got my chili put up and and I think I'll make some chili rellenos today for dinner. Got a green chili stew on the's a cloudy, cool morning and that just sounds good to me. Till next time...adios!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Bless Sarah's pea-pickin' heart!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
New Beginnings
Sunday, July 27, 2008
A few things I really don't like!
Moving right along, in the most prestigious spot of number two, is none other than....flies. Yep, those pesky critters that fly up your nose while you're trying to water your roses, biting you on the ankles, dive bombing while you sleep...yeah those. Not sure what purpose they serve other than making you feel justified when you smear their little guts all over the freezer door...that was gross.... but I don't think there is enough insecticide in the known world to kill off this vermin.
Can I have a drum roll please.....topping the list at number one is probably the most awful, boring, back-breaking..... rather have a butt-whipping than do this ....job. But here it is - none other than.... ironing. Yep that's right. I've had some pretty ugly jobs in my life - shoveling out a silage trailer full of corn in 100 degree weather, fighting flies and such, shoveling out cowtruck trailers full of @#%$^ in 100 degree weather, fighting flies and such....seems as though around here all jobs involve hot temperatures and flies. Anyhoo, ironing is the one job, if I could hire done, I would. Let's here it for polyester blends!! Till next time, adios.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Ross, it's time to come home!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Totally untitled - don't know where this will go!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Did little Jesus have a Mamaw?
And then, I was rocking Karli this morning, just watching her as she slept. I kept looking at her little hands and feet, fascinated with how small and delicate they are. I know Mary did the same thing. Untold hours were spent just adoring Jesus while he slept. I wonder if she realized that someday those precious hands and feet would be pierced; that the brow she kissed each day would have a crown of thorns placed on it, and his soft, sweet skin that she so tenderly bathed would be striped for all mankind. I have a great deal of respect for this woman, being between God's purposes, and her role as a mother. I kind of wonder though, if she was like one of our ranch cow mamas. She has no idea that her baby is going to be branded, cut, and ear marked; that in the fall, a cowtruck will come rolling down the road to take the baby she has nursed, protected and befriended to places unknown - to fulfill the purpose for which he was created -to feed mankind. All she knows is that right now, her baby needs her to provide milk for a hungry belly, shelter from the storms , protection from wild critters and a spit bath each morning.
If she, so unselfishly, could invest so much of herself into the life of the child that would save my old hide, I believe I can invest more time into the lives of others. Till next time, adios
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
PMS to Fall Decorating...go figure
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Hay - it's what's for dinner - if you're a milk cow!
Our family started Carpenter Custom Hauling over ten years ago. We started off with two trucks, hauling triticale silage in the spring and corn silage in the fall with a cow haul and a little hay hauling mixed in there for good measure. With the passing of each year, our hay acreage increased to the point that after nine years of "chop hauling" we decided to sell our silage rigs and focus on hay hauling. We now haul hay and oats for twelve different farmers in the East Grand Plains and Dexter area, delivering these loads to several of the thirteen dairies in our area. There are generally six cuttings of hay each year and we've hauled up to thirty-one loads in one day. Alfalfa hay is New Mexico's #1 cash crop and averages $200.00 per ton.
Today we're hauling hay to Three Amigos Dairy in Dexter. It is one of of the largest dairies in the area, milking 4,600 cows each day. They feed 66 bales a day of hay, barley and oats, along with corn silage, and all the goodies from the commodity barn. Most of the milk in the valley goes to Laprino Foods, one of the largest mozzarella cheese factories. They receive 90 to 120 tanker loads of milk each day, and each tanker carries 6,000 gallons of milk. Leprino is also the largest US exporter of whey products.
Well, there you have it folks! Next time you pour yourself a tall glass of cold milk, remember somehow, it all started in a hayfield! Till next time, adios!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Whew! Hotter 'n hell?
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Five generations
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
A few of my favorite things!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Kids, Cows and More
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Mamaws ain't not cool
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Running buck naked
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
It's a conspiracy!
Monday, April 21, 2008
The albatross has landed!
Before I dared this gnarly task, I first had to have the necessary support of my ever faithful cheering squad. "In this corner, weighing in with a mop bucket in one hand and a phone in the other is Ranch Wife, advising me to quit being a a sissy and jump right in!" In the other corner, baking cookies and homeschooling, was Dirtscrapper counseling me with inspiring phrases of encouraging promise." Sometimes, you just have to "pull up your big girl panties and deal with it!" I will post pictures of this dress come Saturday nite and all the hoopla that goes with this most anticipated event. Till then, adios.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Hormone Hell
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Divine Adventures
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Changing gears
Friday, April 11, 2008
"This is the day the Lord has made....
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Ah, the life of a dog!
When I left the house this morning heading to town, I decided to take both pups with me. The wind was howling already and since they are not quite house broke, leaving them inside is not an option just yet. I had several stops to make and both pups behaved themselves better than most of the kids and adults I was forced to have encounters with.
And another thing.....dogs don't bogart the remote control; they're content watching a chick flick....... for the fourth time already; they are ready to go to bed anytime you're ready...whatever! They are not demanding or selfish. They love you more than they love themselves, and they do not hold a grudge. They appreciate all that you do for them and have no superfluous expectations.
At the end of the day, when you're all "peopled out", the best therapy in the world is sitting in an easy chair, scratching on a lap dog. Your lap dog may be two pounds or 200 pounds but something almost magical happens between your fingertips and your heart. Till next time, adios.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Yeehaw for Yo-Yo's
Thinking that I could rise to the top of the bucket, I decided to hook up my wireless router to my computer. Ranch wife and I had gone round and round with the salesmen at Curcuit City in which we refused to buy any extras for anything! One of the said items I refused to buy was a "walk ya thru it instructions" for $80.00 which I balked at. I may not have stayed at the Holiday Inn Express but I thought I was swavey enough to read thru the prompts and intall my handy dandy router. Well thirty minutes and three meltdowns later I broke down and called the 1-800 number and immediately got hooked up with an Asian gal who spoke broken english. Is there a reason why these multi-million dollar companies can't hire SOMEBODY that can speak ENGLISH??? Anyhoo, she managed to walk me through the complicated process of revamping the systems thereof. Not sure who was more frustrated- her or me but we got' er done! And just for the record, I believe Ranch wife has impuned my honor and must be shot!
I never once embarrassed, harassed, confused, or otherwise discredited her in any possible manner....she's was clearly hopped up on caffeine and sugar and was just being mean and hateful. But I too am a forgiving person and will offer her the peace pipe as soon as she publicly apologizes to me...and makes me a coconut creme pie. Well, till we meet again, adios.